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‘MEURTRES A COGNAC’ Now Available On Demand


Adeline Darraux’s crime and mystery thriller ‘MEURTRES A COGNAC’ is now available on demand on TV5MONDE.

According to the official synopsis: “The cellar master for an important Cognac house is found strangled and burned. Police Captain Clémentine Segonzac teams up with Yassine Benjebbour, recently transferred from Marseille. The investigation leads them into the fascinating world of this highly-reputed spirit, and also shines a new light on Clémentine’s future …”

The film stars Éléonore Bernheim (Clémentine Segonzac), Olivier Sitruk (Yassine Benjebbour), Jean-Yves Lafesse (Julius Segonzac), Joe Sheridan (David Saul), Lucile Durant (Lucienne Weiss), and Aude Briant (Martinez).

You can check out the trailer below:

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